What’s your unique gift to the world?
Those times feels so good and shout from within us “This is who I am!”
How will you become that person?
By taking the pain you have been given and transforming it into something precious.
By taking something bad, and making it beautiful.
By squeezing your lemons to make lemonade.
By changing your lead weights into gold jewelry.
By taking what is less-than and making it greater-than.
By transcending who you are now, and becoming who you were born to be.
Oyster Wisdom is so delicious
Do you know how a pearl is formed?
An oyster takes a tiny grain of sand and works on it and works on it, and doesn’t give up until it has formed the sand into a lustrous incandescent pearl.
It takes something worthless and makes it worthy.
It takes something common and makes it sacred.
It takes that irritating piece of sand that we impatiently shake out of our shoes and makes it into a pearl that everyone treasures.
What are you going to do with your issue-treasure?
Are you going to make like the oyster and turn your irritation into beauty?
You can be adopted but still choose to feel worthy and valuable.
You can be ok with your sexuality.
You can be bigger than the differences between two people.
You can choose to deal a little every day with the feelings that surround the struggle with your addiction.
You can choose to embrace your limitations and transcend them through acceptance.
You can forgive someone who has hurt and betrayed you.
You can let go of what you have loved.
You can live open to your feelings, accept yourself, as you are, love your life the way it is and choose to be more tomorrow than you are today.
If you’re going to start transforming sand into pearls, you need to turn your negatives into positives.
If you’re adopted – tell yourself that your parents specifically chose and wanted you.
If you’re physically attracted to both genders – tell yourself this doubles your chances!
If you had a difficult childhood – ask yourself “How can I use this?”
This can be very challenging, because if you resist your pain, rather than squeezing the sadness out of you, it will squeeze the life out of you.
If you don’t find a way to put a positive spin on your painful experiences, they will wear you out and grind you down.
If you choose not to re-discover what your issue means, you are in danger of becoming bitter and twisted by life.
Do you really want to be that person?
Fortunately there is a tool that will help you with this process, FIT 11-step process.
I’m offering private mentoring that includes a 21 day journey to get TUNED IN,
TAPPING IN, and TURNED ON to Your Best Year Ever in 2015,
for an incredible price.If you’ve wanted to work with me private to banish your blocks that stop
you from living your best life ever and couldn’t afford it -this is the time to
get started.
Need a hand with anything? Send me an email at LorettaMohl@gmail.com and tell me how I can help to make this your best year ever.
From my heart to yours,
email: lorettamohl@gmail.comwww.LorettaMohl.com
(52) 984-130-2681
Location: Playa del Carmen, Mexico
Category: Being the Best Vesion of YOU