Up-coming Level 2 FIT Advanced Healing Workshop with Loretta Mohl
Date: June 13, 14, & 20, 2, 2022 from 11:00 am to 3:30 pm
If you’re interested in taking your healing to a deeper level, I’m offering an advance healing workshop Level 2 FIT Advanced Healing and Training. I also have some opening for private sessions if you want to work one-on-one with Loretta.
Holes in the brain from trauma. A picture of an unhealthy brain.
These days I’m really focusing on BRAIN HEALTH and CARE. Trauma, both physical such a hit on the head and all the other types of traumas that affect the inside of us really affect our brain. They create holes in the brain that affect blood flow that then affect the hippocampus (they shrink) and then that affects our memory. A healthy hippocampus makes up to 700 new cells per day but when there is lack of blood flow to the brain the hippocampus shrinks and creates a list of different problems that have been accepted as a part of aging or learning disabilities. The great news is we can heal our brain, we can rejuvenate the hippocampus and heal the holes. We can turn on the 500 well-being genes and switch off the 200 disease genes. These is what I’m focusing in my own well-being and in the advance FIT self-healing workshops. If anyone of you is interested in taking your FIT health to a deeper level join me in June, I’ll be doing an advance FIT workshop via zoom. Contact me in a PM for details. Pictures below are SPECS of a brain. On the left is an unhealthy brain affected by blood flow and on the right a healthy brain.
Ultimately, the effects of trauma and adversity affect most of us in one way or another (some of us through chronic illness, some of us through mental health conditions, some of us with addictions or difficulty in relationships etc) and that these effects run deep.
In your healing journey you want to be able to understand and recognize your patterns, heal from your past and connect with your true nature. This is part of the work we do in the Level 2 FIT Advance Healing.
Common Reactions During Difficult, Triggering Situations
See if you can relate to any of the following…
Fight Responses
- Aggressively argues and debates
- Raises their voice, yells
- Tries to silence others
- Tries to compete, win at any cost
- Interrupts
- Self-righteous, arrogant, or condescending behaviors
- Controlling, manipulative behaviors
- Intimidating, threatening behaviors
- Forces change
- Aggressively attacks and berates
- Dismisses or minimizes the comments of others
- Explodes and directs their feelings onto others
- Sarcastic or off-handed remarks
- Belittling comments
- Intentionally tries to embarrass others
- Criticizes or accuses with the intent to humiliate and shame
- Bullies others into submission
- Turns their words against them
Flight responses
- Gets defensive
- Becomes overly guarded
- Withdraws
- Ignores or avoids issues
- Tries to smooth over conflict
- Placating to keep things under control
- Minimizes, downplays the issues or conflict
- Shuts down
- Disengages
- Uses humor and jokes to distract and smooth things over
- Quickly changes the subject
- Pretends to agree to avoid conflict
- Uses crying to distract and not engage
Freeze responses
- Blanks out, forget what wanted to say or do
- Zones out
- Immobilized
- Doesn’t respond or interrupt exclusionary comments and actions
- Overly anxious and scared
If you’re interested in taking your healing to a deeper level, join me live online via Zoom, also have some opening for private sessions if you want to work one-on-one with me.
FIT Advance Healing Workshop with Loretta
Date: June 13, 14, & 20, 2022
Time: 11 am to 3:30 EST via zoom. Plus, a 21-day practice.
In this Level 2 FIT Advance I’ll teach you how to intuitively see in the body while you focus on the following self-healing areas to take your healing to a deeper level will focus on:
- How to take your healing to a deeper level using the FIT 11-Steps. Each of the 11-steps are a skill and tool to go safely within the body without stopping the healing process. In FIT Basic we were focused on learning the steps and integrating them into our daily self-care practices. Now that you know the steps you can shift your focus to using the step to go deeper within with ease and grace.
- Will talk about what STOPS Our HEALING and one of those things being Psychological Reversals. Sometimes there is an Upside to Your Illness or Suffering. I’ll show you how to identify those areas and how to get unstuck and heal energy reversals.
- Will work with the 3 levels of beliefs (foundational, operational, hidden) to heal your past and recognize your patterns, and connect with your true nature.
- Will learn all about the SOUL NERVE or what others refer to as the Vagus Nerve. It wanders through the whole body and plays a major role in our self-healing. I’ll show you how to see inside the body and I’ll teach you a process to befriending and healing the SOUL NERVE
- All forms of unresolved trauma create holes in the BRAIN. You’ll work on healing those holes. Did you know that accidents and unresolved trauma leaves holes in the brain and this is the cause to many of the symptoms we experience in our body physically and emotionally? When we heal our past using the FIT self-healing method you heal the holes in the brain and at the same time you turn on your 500 healing genes as well as lengthen telomers in the body. Trauma turns off well-being genes and switches on the 200 disease genes and self-healing turns them back on, that is why you can heal your brain and over time grow a new body because you are changing the cells.
- Will work with Flareups (body in a healing crises) in the body and learn how to use the flareup as an opportunity to heal.
- Will work on how to heal LOST PARTS.
- You’ll focus on creating habits that support daily self-care and open a door to an environment that supports regeneration or balancing of the systems in our body. As we integrate the lost wounded PARTS, we are learning how to co-operate with all the systems in our body to create a state of balance within that regenerates our body to create extraordinary health and a spiritual state of communion.
Praying, FIT self-healing, practicing ceremonies, re-membering culture, resolving traumas, integrating Parts, regulating the body and emotions, exercise, and eating high vibrational foods are all important for holistic well-being, for healing the brain and for growing a new body.
Please email Loretta if you are interested in attending the advance training, Lorettamohl@gmail.com
About Loretta
I’m the founder of the FIT method and programs, an intuitive healer, visionary, artist, author, world traveler and trauma specialist. My early struggles and experiences brought me to seek out my purpose and eventually led me to live my passion for travel and for empowering others to live their purpose, vision, truth, and beauty. My main objective is stop suffering from within by teaching others how to do the work that heals generations of trauma.
My intuitive nature allows me to see where you are ‘stuck, and I’m able to guide you to make an empowering plan in becoming freer of those blocks. My purpose is being the clear channel of love and truth she is.
I have over 3 decades of experience in healing Trauma at its root, coaching, group work, retreats, energy healing work, soul retrieval, intuitive counseling, and working with my healing method called FIT (Focused Intention Technique) a process for healing, core limiting beliefs, struck energy, trauma, and stress. I facilitate workshops and retreats online and all over the world. When I’m not healing trauma, I’m either relaxing at her home in Mexico or traveling the world.
You can be your true nature. I have a gift for simplify the understanding of who to do the work to resolve and mend trauma at its cause. I make inner growth tools practically applicable in everyday life and create a systematic approach to self-development that bring about sustainable changes. My focus and intention are to empower people to discover and live their greatest potential by knowing themselves through the practice of Focus, Intention, and a daily sustainable self-practice.
My Approach
I was once where you are so I totally get ya’. After nothing else worked for me, I ended up on a search for something deeper than a “fix.” I took many energy healing courses from Silva, NLP, Reiki, TFT, Hands on Healing, Quantum Touch, Theta Healing and study with the Shamans in Peru. I had many incredible teachers along and got something from all but it was not until I founded FIT that I knew this method got to the core in a safe gentle way and was way to teach to others so they could heal themselves as I had.
But the defining principles of my work are making my clients and students realize that safety is the number #1 key to knowing it’s ok to let go, and trust the healing path that feels good to them. The FIT technique is super safe, gentle and simple so it can be easily integrated into any life.
FIT Advance Healing Workshop with Loretta
Date: June 13, 14, & 20,21, 2022
Time: 11 am to 3:30 EST via zoom. Plus, a 21-day practice.
Registration Fee: $600.00
Email Loretta to register LorettaMohl@gmail.com
Category: FIT Focus