Check Out Oprah’s Life Class with Brene Browning
What would life be like if you were unstoppable in accomplishing the goals that matter to you?
How different would your life be?
Now that Oprah and Brene Brown are guiding Life Class participants to find the gifts in their imperfections, don’t you agree is time bust through our self limiting beliefs and get at the root cause of worthiness issues at the source.
“What we focus on manifests, and it’s high time that we get clarity around the the specific, terrific goals we are no longer satisfied to leave on the shelf. At a time when many people are frustrated, discouraged, and rejected in their search for new employment or seeking the courage to step out into their own business, those self limiting beliefs can keep people stuck at the front door instead of pursuing the next best thing to making your most perfect impact on the work.
What is needed is deep focus and intention on working through the blocks that are stopping you from living the life you love. Check out the up-coming class that starts October 20th, 2013.
Oprah’s Life Class Presents Brene Brown: The Gifts of Imperfection
Register NOW!
Category: Live the Life you Love and THRIVE