3 Steps to Free Yourself From Limiting Beliefs
“From this instant on, vow to stop disappointing yourself. Separate yourself from the mob. Decide to be extraordinary and do what you need to do – now.”~ Stoic philosopher Epictetus
Do you ever feel unworthy or beat yourself up? If so, you’re not alone! We all do it! 🙂
When we feel stuck in anything — whether it be resistance, procrastination, sadness, or worries about money — I’ve noticed that we’re usually also beating ourselves up and disapproving of ourselves for what we’re experiencing.
We all have the capacity to be extraordinary, to live our passion, to realize our full potential. When you get right down to it, what holds us back are limiting beliefs that run through our minds. These are mental habits repeating in an endless loop, making us believe that we are incapable and that our dreams are impossible to achieve. They trick us into thinking we are less than we actually are.
When we allow negative emotions to fill our consciousness it lowers our vibration and attracts thoughts of similar nature, instead of raising your frequency and building a momentum.
It is absolutely the case that when these beliefs are seen in the light of day and put to rest, our lives begin to soar. Whatever is in us that is begging to be expressed finally has a conduit into the world.
When you are free of limiting beliefs, you experience the following:
• Freedom, growth, and joy
• Clarity about your everyday decisions as well as your life path
• Happiness and confidence
• Higher vibration and frequency
• Greater ability to focus
Sounds great, right?
So how do we free ourselves from these beliefs once and for all? The three-part answer is:
1. Connect with heart Center
2. Identify the beliefs that hold you back.
3. Banish these beliefs. That’s right – let them go, it’s time to dissolve them and replace them with a new perspective or story.
Step #1 Connect with your heart center![Gratitude](http://www.lorettamohl.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/heart-centered-women.jpg)
Place your right hand on your heart center area while you take a deep breath in through your nose and out through your mouth. Doing this helps to shift from mind consciousness to heart consciousness.
Step #2: Identify the beliefs that hold you back
We all have our version of limiting beliefs that creeps into our minds and keeps us small and constrained. To help you identify your mental habits, see if you recognize yourself in any of these common patterns:
• The perfection-seeker is hard-driving, critical, and pushy. The tone of this inner voice can be very harsh as it tries to motivate you through judgment and ridicule. It starts sentences with, “you should…,” “you really need to…,” “you have to…,” “you better…,” “if you don’t…”
• The naysayer is negative about everything – you, your abilities, your ideas. It’s signature phrase is, “I can’t.” It tells you you are worthless or stupid and finds every reason in the book for you not to be succeed. It says your ideas are too difficult to carry out, they cost too much, you will have to work too hard, other people will think you are crazy, and on and on.
• The doubter is full of worry and mistrust. It incessantly questions everything, as in, What if I fail?…Should I do it this way or that way?…What will they think?…What do I think?…I should have…I shouldn’t have… The doubter second-guesses so much that you are paralyzed to take any action.
• The procrastinator’s favorite word is mañana, tomorrow. It constantly encourages you to put off taking action until another time that never comes. The procrastinator can be seductive because it loves watching TV, surfing the internet, and having a few beers. It also turns dreams into chores, as in, “Do I have to join the networking group?”
• The blamer holds other people and circumstances responsible for your failure to shine. Everyone and everything else is at fault, while the blamer feels victimized and powerless. The blamer says, “If only…” – if only someone or some situation were different, then you would be able to move forward.
Step #3: Banish the limiting beliefs and rewrite your story.![600](http://www.lorettamohl.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/600.jpg)
These limiting beliefs have incorrectly defined who you are. If you give them attention, they will continue to limit and block your momentum to living your greatest life; if you do the work to eliminate them, they will eventually lose their power over you.
By clearing your inner blocks you will see rapid results with the law of attraction, to
raise your energetic vibration, and lower your stress.
Can you identify your own limiting beliefs? Have you been able to let them go? I’d love to hear your stories, insights, and questions.
From my heart to yours,
Category: Being the Best Vesion of YOU